New York Strip
New York Strip
New York Strip
New York Strip

New York Strip

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When you want bold, beefy flavor without overcomplicating things, the New York Strip is your steak. Cut from the short loin—the same muscle group as the tenderloin—this beauty doesn’t have to work hard, which means it’s naturally tender but still delivers a hearty bite.

Our Ferry Farms New York Strip brings that unmistakable Midwestern flavor to your plate, thanks to just the right amount of marbling and our signature dry-aged beef. It’s the perfect middle ground: leaner than a ribeye but richer than a filet, with a consistent texture that lets you savor every juicy forkful.

Each steak averages about 8 ounces, but just like everything at Ferry Farms, every piece is a little unique—so expect a bit of natural variation. Whether you’re firing up the grill, searing it in a skillet, or making it the centerpiece of your next feast, this strip steak will remind you why simple, honest food is always the best.

On the farm and on the fork, it's better quality. Period.

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